Wednesday, January 17, 2007

My First Thoughts

Classes just begun and I am looking forward to what this semester will bring. My professor Michael has split the class up into a smaller group that needs further direction on the computer program that we are learning and I feel that the system is working really well. I have learned new techniques in Illustrator and feel like the pace of the class is good. I like having instruction time followed by a work period with a chance to ask for one-on-one help. I also feel that the text is quite helpful, as I can refer back to examples in the text after Michael's lectures.

One factor that I have been finding frustrating is the lack of options that I have for extra time in the labs. I work on weekends and don't like leaving project till last minute. I know that it is only the beginning of the course and I'm sure that I'm just getting nervous, but right now it’s frustrating.

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